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crop growth rate中文是什么意思

用"crop growth rate"造句"crop growth rate"怎么读"crop growth rate" in a sentence


  • 作物生长率


  • Analysis of net assimilation rate and crop growth rate indicates that two peaks of photosynthetic activity occur during the growing season .
  • The results tell us that the situation is serious . from 1993 to 1998 , almost every kind of oil crops growth rate of cost is higher than that of incoming , so the profit decreased . among several oil crops , the profit of the rapeseed is acceding to zero , and the decrease rate of pure profit of peanut is higher than others , which decrease rate in 6 years is 36 %
    在几个品种当中,油菜生产的纯收益已接近与零,甚至在有些省份已出现负数;而虽然花生的单位面积纯收益在几个品种当中是最高的,但是其下降的速度也是最快的, 1996 ? 1998年的三年平均水平比1993 ? 1995年的平均水平下降36 。
  • They are agricultural productive materials price growth rate , sown area of grain crops growth rate , grain yield per area growth rate - , natural disaster covered grain areas growth rate , net grain import change rate , grain reserve change rate , population growth rate , per income growth rate , city and town population growth rate , food industry production value growth rate , year - end pig number growth rate , medical & pharmaceutical and textile industry production value growth rate , grain marketization degree , inflation rate using the previous year as base year ( preceding year = 100 ) , public grain purchases price growth rate , investment in agricultural science and technology growth rate , investment in agricultural infrastructure growth rate , growth rate of graduates number from agriculture , forestry , science & technology universities and colleges and specialized secondary schools , government expenditure for agriculture and agricultural credit growth rate , international grain price growth rate , rmb exchange rate growth rate , last grain price growth rate , economic crop price growth rate , , meanwhile , a new method is attempted to be used in this paper and the grain price early - warning problem is transformed into machine learning problem by introducing statistic learning theory and svm method which are gaining popularity in machine learning field at present in the world
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